Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels. When used without further specification, “blood pressure” usually refers to the arterial pressure in the systemic circulation. It is usually measured at a person’s upper arm. Normal resting blood pressure in an adult is approximately 120/80 mm Hg.
Blood pressure varies depending on situation, activity, and disease states. It is regulated by the nervous and endocrine systems. Blood pressure that is low due to a disease state is called hypotension, and pressure that is consistently high is hypertension. Both have many causes which can range from mild to severe.

What causes high blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and contributes to hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, to stroke, kidney disease, and to the development of heart failure.
The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including. Avoid these causes and follow remedies:-
1. Smoking - better to quit smoking.
2. Being overweight or obese- reduce weight and keep body fit.
3. Lack of physical activity - involve all activities of routine.
4. Too much salt in the diet - reduce intake of salt in High BP.
5. Too much alcohol consumption (more than 1 to 2 drinks per day)
6. Stress - reduces stress, remain happy and relaxed, start walk in morning and evening.
7. Older age - reduce butter, desi ghee and fried items.
8. Genetics - this may be due to heredity. Remain more conscious due to genetics is cause of high BP.
9. Chronic kidney disease - Proper and check up.
10. Adrenal and thyroid disorders - Proper and timely check up.
11. Sleep disorder - take proper diet and sleep in time.
12. Start meditation and Reiki
13. Take few drops of Lemon in cold water
14. Keep cool cloth dip with water on back spine for few minutes.
15. Take seeds of Watermelon.
16. Take juice of carrot and Sugar beet (Chakunder)
17. Reduce intake of Salt.
18. Sleep with right nostrils be kept close for few minutes.
Promila Rani and Parmod Kumar

A Teacher and Banker turned Astrologer. We research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Feng Shui, Vastu and Gharelu nuske
For astrological remedies please email at pkastrocenter@gmail.com or post your query athttp://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis or contact face book :- Parmod kumar face book:- Promila Rani
Whatsapp number /Viber 09953968188 or 09501025578.Skype :-pkchaudhry
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply.Do not ask for free consultations and give indecent remarks or comments.Do not send friend request for seeking free guidance.
In Feng Shui bungalows and cottage – home often have fever problems because of their size. These homes are far more manageable than apartments. If bungalows have to have good Feng Shui, it is very important for the house to have more depth than breadth.
Bungalows and cottages should clearly have defined front and back doors to get the best benefit from positive energy.

One more important thing in Feng Shui is that buildings, to the left of a bungalow or a cottage should be lighter than the left.
These places enjoy good luck coming from the environment. Another important thing in bungalows and cottage is that there should never be a straight line between the front door and the back door.
If this is the case, good that enters from the main door will immediately go out of the house from the back door .If this is the case, one should stop using the back door totally and find another door. One should not take this lightly because it is my belief that if the front and back doors are in a line, lucks does not stay in the house.
Promila Rani and Parmod Kumar

A Teacher and Banker turned Astrologer. We research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Feng Shui, Vastu and Gharelu nuske
For astrological remedies please email at pkastrocenter@gmail.com or post your query athttp://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis or contact face book :- Parmod kumar face book:- Promila Rani
Whatsapp number /Viber 09953968188 or 09501025578.Skype :-pkchaudhry
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply.Do not ask for free consultations and give indecent remarks or comments.Do not send friend request for seeking free guidance.
Krishna Janmashtami or Gokulashtami is a prominent festival of the Hindus, which is a celebration of the birth of Lord Krishna. Kirshna is also known as the avataar of Lord Vishnu, and is often honored as an omnipresent universal power.

As per Holy Scriptures, Lord Vishnu incarnated as God Krishna to wipe out sins and sinners from Earth. According to Hindu mythology, he is the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Krishna was born to Devki (and therefore is also known as Devki-Nandan) and Vasudev at midnight in Rohini Nakshatra on Ashtami of Krishna Paksha during Bhadrapad month.
When is Janamashtmi this year (2015)?
In 2015,,Shri Krishna Janamashtmi is on 5th September and will begin at 23.56 PM and will end at 24.42 AM on 6th September.

Krishna Janamashtmi and Kaal Sarp Yog
Worshiping Lord Krishna helps in reducing the malefic effects of this Dosha. Establishing Ladoo Gopal in one’s temple and offering pooja on this day is beneficial for people suffering from malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh and those who are facing trouble having a child.
Remedial Pooja for Kaal Sarp Yog on Janamashtmi
· Establish a Lodoo Gopal in your temple
· If you already have a Ladoo Gopal in your temple, it is advised that the same be established again using following Vidhi
· On Janamashtmi early morning give bath or abhishekam to Ladoo (Bal) Gopal’s idol with ganga jal, ghee, water, honey and curd.
· The idol is then adorned with new clothes (preferably in yellow colour), stone or other precious jewellery.
· Place a Mor (Peacock) Pankh next to Ladoo Gopal
· Next, the idol of lord is offered bhog, the contents of bhog may vary. Fruits, kheer, pedha, milk, and milk products are made.
· Childless couples while establishing the Ladoo Gopal and Placing the Mor Pankh should recite following Matra - “Om Devaki Sut Govind Vasudev Jagatpate, Dehi me Tanayam Krishna Twamaham Sharanam Gatah” 108 times
· People suffering from Kaal Sarp Dosh while establishing the Ladoo Gopal and Placing the Mor Pankh should recite the following Mantra - “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasu Devaye Namah” 108 time
· It is also advised to keep a Janamashtmi fast on this day if possible.
· Childless couples should distribute Bansuris (Flutes) to small children.
· Couples expecting a child should offer clothes and Jhoola to a pregnant Brahmin Lady.

Types of Janamashtmi Fasts
1. Nirjal Fast
The enthusiastic followers of Lord Krishna and ones looking to get rid of malefic effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh can observe Nirjal fasts, which literally means starvation. In Nirjal fast not even a drop of water is to be consumed throughout the day. The fast is broken only in the midnight, by performing aarti to Lord Krishna and offering Prasad to the diety.
2. Phalahar Fast
Phalahar fast is somewhat lenient than the nirjal fast. In this fast the person can consume milk and fruits during phalahar vrat. However, cereals and other kinds of foods are to be refrained. The fast is broken in the midnight, after Janmashtami Puja.
Krishna Janamashtmi Puja Muhurat
Nishita Puja Time = 23:56 to 24:42+
Duration = 0 Hours 46 Mins
Mid Night Moment = 24:19+
Mid Night Moment = 24:19+
On 6th, Parana Time = 06:05 (After Sunrise)
On Parana Day Ashtami Tithi and Rohini Nakshatra got over before Sunrise
Dahi Handi on 6th, September
Promila Rani and Parmod Kumar

A Teacher and Banker turned Astrologer. We research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Feng Shui, Vastu and Gharelu nuske
For astrological remedies please email at pkastrocenter@gmail.com or post your query athttp://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis or contact face book :- Parmod kumar face book:- Promila Rani
Whatsapp number /Viber 09953968188 or 09501025578.Skype :-pkchaudhry
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply.Do not ask for free consultations and give indecent remarks or comments.Do not send friend request for seeking free guidance.
What is Kal Sarp Yog? ( For those who believe in this dosha/yoga )
When all the prime planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon) are placed between Rahu & Ketu the kundali is said to have the Kal Sarp Yoga. This Yog is considered harmful by some astrologers. Mythological relevance of Kal Sarp Yog is described in one of my previous posts - http://pkastrocenter.com/post/56386919423/rahu-in-hindu-mythology-and-the-story-behind-kaal-sarpa )

Impact of Kal Sarp Yog in One’s Horoscope
This dosha brings unfavorable results in one’s life, casts sorrow and grief and places obstruction in all the works of the person’s life including married life.
A person in whose kundali all planets come in Rahu Ketu axis, it makes Kal Sarpa dosha. The consequences are unanticipated in both - good or bad terms. A person affected with Kal Sarp Yog can face lot of failures and experience frequent ups and downs in life. Alternatively, he or she may achieve height of success and acquire high position, rank, name and fame and success in life. Few examples of people affected by Kal Sarp Yog are Sachin Tendulkar, Harshad Mehta, Pt Jawahar Lal Nehru, Morarji Desai, Acharya Rajneesh and Shri Morari Bapu etc.
Because of both positive and negative effects of Dosh, Kaal sarp dosha can’t be labeled as entirely malefic. But for a native who is being maleficaly affected by this dosha will face problems of
· Instability in his life,
· Litigation’s and defamation
· Heavy indebtedness
· Mental disturbances and unrest,
· Hurdles in gain of wealth,
· Barriers in having children
· Delay in marriage
· Uninterrupted disputes in married life.
· The person in this dosha/yoga does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed.
Those who have this dosha in their kundali’s, must perform below mentioned Puja on Nag Panchami, day to cast off the malefic effects caused by this dosha.
Kaal Sarp Yoga/ Dosha is not inauspicious for all. This Yoga has been found to be auspicious for so many people. The benefic or malefic impact depends upon so many other combinations astrologically .
Nag Panchami and Kal Sarp Dosha:-
The significance of Nag Panchmi Puja has been explained in many Puran’s like Sakand Puran,Bhavish Puran and Kumar Puran.
The Nag Panchami in this year is on 19th August,2015. Nag Panchami and Kal Sarp dosha are connected with each other. According to Vedic Astrology – Nag Panchami is a very auspicious day to perform Puja for snakes (Nag) .On this day Puja for five snakes (Nag) is performed ( Anant,Vasuki, Takshak,Karkotak and Pingal) to pacify negative effects of Kal Sarp dosh formed in a person’s horoscope.
This pooja can also be performed at home or in a nearby temple on this Nag Panchami day which is falling on 19th August this year to remove the negative effects of Kal Sarp Dosh. This is the best way to bring peace and harmony and by getting rid of all negative energies in the areas of health, wealth and personal lives by worshiping lord Shiv and Nag Dev on this auspicious occasion.
The people started Naag Puja due to fear of biting from snakes and due to protection of crops from rats and other insects in fields.
What to do this Nag Panchmi?

Temples to visit - Temples Dedicated to Snake God or Lord Shiva temples, since Lord Shiva is known as a supporter of Snakes and wears snakes around his neck as a necklace.
Offerings at temples-
· Water+Ganga Jal+ Milk+ Curd+Desi Ghee+Honey+Rice+Misri+Gud+ White Flower+Fruit+ Sandalpaste (srigandham/chandan)+Dhatura Bhasam+Coins
· Pair of Silver snakes (Naag and Naagini) – These are available at any local silver or Jewelers Shop.
Those who have desire of a son:-
The couples who have desire for a child go far fast for 12 months (One year) starting from this month and worship Naag namely given below every month and Puja to be performed as explained above on Panchmi of every month.

Fasting on Nag Panchami is auspicious :–You can consume Milk and fruits, preferably after the Main pooja. People with medical ailments, which require consumption of food must avoid fasting or fasting before pooja.
Vidhi to perform this pooja:-In the morning, Set up this pooja in your pooja room or in Shiv Mandir. Offer some flowers to Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva.
· Apply Chandan dot/bindi on your forehead.
· Light up the lamps and incense sticks.
· Offer the first prayer to Lord Ganesh.
· Place the Silver Snakes in the plate.
· Pour Milk over the hood of the statue reciting the mantra -Om Ram Rahve Namah - 108 times and Om Kem Ketve Namah - 108 times Namah.
Offer the silver snakes to the Shiv Lingam.
For other remedies on Kal Sarp Yog please feel to contact at pkastrocenter@gmail.com
Promila Rani and Parmod Kumar

A Teacher and Banker turned Astrologer. We research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Feng Shui, Vastu and Gharelu nuske
For astrological remedies please email at pkastrocenter@gmail.com or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis or contact face book :- Parmod kumar face book:- Promila Rani
Whatsapp number /Viber 09953968188 or 09501025578.Skype :-pkchaudhry
This site is for premium and high profile customers-Professional charges apply.Do not ask for free consultations and give indecent remarks or comments.Do not send friend request for seeking free guidance.
Manglik Dosha or yoga is considered a bad combination for marriage or relationship, caused due to Mars’ adverse position.This yoga is believed to create some disturbance to the concerned house it occupies. This is a misconception and not always true.
Manglik dosha is formed when Mars is posited in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house and in some cases in 2nd house from ascendant or Moon, in an astrological birth chart of an individual. A person born with Mars in one of these houses is called Mangali or Manglik.

Mars have three aspect and see on 4th, ,7th and 8th house from its placement. When Mars is placed in Lagna it has aspect on 4th house reduces the comforts of life, on 7th house it creates feuds with spouse and on 8th house reduces the comforts of Katumbh.
When Mars is placed in 4th house it has aspect on 7th house creates feuds with spouse, it’s aspect on 10th house creates troubles in service and profession and 8th aspect reduces the comforts (age)of mother.
When Mars is placed in 7th house it’s aspect on 10th house creates troubles in service and 7thaspect on Lagna affects the native’s health and age, 8th aspect on 2nd house reduces the comforts of katumbh.
When Mars is placed in 8th house it’s aspect on 11th house reduces the age of mother, 7th aspect on 2nd house reduces the comforts of Katumbh,8th aspect reduces the courage and Valour of native.
When Mars is placed in 12th house it’s aspect on 3rd house reduces the reduces the courage and Valour of native,7th aspect on 6th house reduces the comforts of bed pleasures,8th aspect on 7thhouse creates feud with spouse.
Manglik yoga is not always bad or inauspicious. There are certain yoga given below are considered most auspicious and give benefic results.
1. For Aries Lagna if the Mars is placed in the first house the malefic effect of Manglik is abolished.
2. For Aries Lagna if the Mars is placed in the 4th house the malefic effect of Manglik is abolished:- The Mars in the 4th house is debilitated and has zero power is considered as weak. When there is no aspect of benefic stars.
3. For Scorpio Lagna if the Mars is placed in the 4th house the malefic effect of Manglik is reduced.
4. For Capricorn Lagna if the Mars is placed in 7th house the malefic effect of Maglik is reduced.
5. For Cancer Lagna if the Mars is placed in 8th house the malefic effect of Manglik is reduced.
6. For Sagittarius Lagna if the Mars is placed in 12th house the malefic effect of Manglik is reduced.
Parmod Kumar

A Banker turned Astrologer. I research and practice Astrology, Numerology, Gemology, Feng Shui and Vastu .For astrological remedies please email at pkastrocenter@gmail.com or post your query at http://pkastrocenter.com/horoscopeanalysis.You may join with me face book parmod kumar, Group Astrology - Pk Astro Center.Whatsapp/Viber 919501025578, 919953968188-Emergency call 09988395578 Skype :-pkchaudhry*
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Sep 5, 2014 - Uploaded by Anoop Jha
MADHUSHRAVANI AT ROHINI. .... Gauri Tritiya Vrat significance | Vrat Puja Vidhi | Gauri Tritiya ...Jivitputrika Vrat Katha - YouTube
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Jeevitputrika Vrat or Jitiya or Jiyutiya Vrat is celebrated on the 8th day of the Hindu month Ashwin in Krishna ...International Seminar Dr Prem Vrat 1 3 7 2 2010 1 - YouTube
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All events are celebrated colorfully in our school This is AshtamiRohini Janmastami Celebration 2013.Ashtami Rohini Videos-5 - YouTube
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This is Durga Puja organized by maithili community at sector-15Rohini,Delhi. ... Why are doing Vata Savitri ...Guruvayoor Ashtami Rohini Ghoshayathra 2011.... - YouTube
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27:37. Jivitputrika Vrat Katha - Duration: 12:11. by Festivals n Culture 18,672 views. 12:11. Mithila Durga puja ...
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Vrat Rohini - drikPanchang.com
www.drikpanchang.com › Calendars › Jain Calendar
This page lists Rohini Vrat dates in year 2015 for Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, India.Rohini Vrat is observed in Jain community and it is also known as Rohini Upvas ...Rohini Vrat - Fast For Good Fortune - OnlinePrasad.com blog
Feb 24, 2015 - Rohini Vrat - 26th Feb 2015 Origin Rohini Vrat falls on 26th February this year or the Hindu day of Phalgun Shukla Paksh Asthami. It occurs ...Rohini Vrat Katha in English - Speaking Tree
Apr 29, 2015 - Rohini Vrat Katha meaning in English - Jainism advocates a lot of vrats as part of an involved spiritual life. Rohini Vrat is one such vrat very ...
You visited this page on 30/10/15.
Rohini Vrat | AskGanesha Astrology
www.askganesha.com › Homepage › Festivals
May 4, 2015 - Rohini Vrat is a very important festival in the Jain community. It is especially important for women who fast for the whole day in order to get ...Rohini Vrat - ENCYCLOPEDIA
Jul 5, 2013 - Rohini Vrat is done every month on the day when Rohini Nakshatra rises in the sky . Often it comes after 27 days. On the day of Rohini Vrat ...
You visited this page on 30/10/15.
Jain Rohini Vrat - Indian Astrology
Feb 21, 2015 - Shubh Muhurat & Hindu Panchang for Jain Rohini Vrat on 26 February 2015. Rohini Vrat 2015 (Jain festival) is celebrated on Rohini Nakshatra ...About Rohini Vrat - Charanamrit
Charanamrit.com provides the details of the rohini vrat that is commemorated all over India with great fervor and enthusiasm.Types of vrats (Vowed religious observances) - Sanatan ...
www.sanatan.org › ... › Vowed religious observances
Jul 26, 2014 - A vrat done to fulfill a specific desire is called a sakam vrat. ... Rohiniare ruling are known as 'Nakshatravrat', that is vrat during constellations.Rohini Vrat – Fast for Good Destiny - Onlinepuja.com
Rohini Vrat is the important fast observed in Jain and Hindu community. Rohini Vrat is observed by women for the long life of their husband.
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - From your Internet address - Use precise location
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