Belgaum Dasara celebrated
The Belgaum Dasara also has some magnificent history behind it. It may not be grand as the Mysore Dasara but in its own style its different and one of its kind.

The Simollanghan (crossing the border) is done at the Vidya Niketan grounds near St.Xaviers school. People from all lifestyles from young to old gather there for a yearly fair where the leaves of Aapti tree are looted on the pretext of it symbolizing Gold.
The Patil does the Puja and then the various Palkhi’s of the Gods come there like the Venkatramna temple, Maruti Temple, Jotiba temple and the Aapte tree leaves are looted and then exchanged with each other as gold.
The Camp Dasara has a different look. K T Pujari and sons started this utsav in 1901. There are 5 Devi chariots that are taken out in a procession which also end at the same grounds above. Marriama Devi of K T Pujari & sons, Muthu Mariamma from Madras BHT area, Kunti devi from fish market, Mariama from old Telugu colony. These 5 are supposed to be sisters.
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Story behind exchanging Aapti Tree leaves as “sone” (Gold)
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Story behind exchanging Aapti Tree leaves as “sone” (Gold)
Kautsa, the young son of Devdatt, a Brahmin, was living in the city of Paithan. After completing education from Rishi Varatantu, he insisted on his guru accepting Guru Dakshina (present).
However, Guru said, “Kautsa, to give ‘dakshina’ in return for learning wisdom is not proper Graduation of the disciple makes the guru happy, and this is the real Guru Dakshina.”
Kautsa was not satisfied. He still felt it was his duty to give his guru something. Finally, the guru said, “Alright, if you insist on giving me dakshina, so give me 140 million gold coins, 10 million for each of the 14 sciences I have taught you.”
Kautsa went to king Raghu. Raghuraja was an ancestor of Lord Rama, famous for his generosity. However, just at that time he had emptied all his coffers on the Brahmins, after performing the Vishvajit sacrifice. He asked Kautsa to give him three days’ time. Raghuraja immediately left to get the gold coins from Indra. Indra summoned Kuber, the god of wealth. Indra told Kuber, “Make a rain of gold coins fall on the “Shanu” and “Aapati” trees round Raghuraja’s city of Ayodhya.”
The rain of gold coins began to fall. King Raghu gave all the coins to Kautsa, and Kautsa hastened to offer the coins to Varatantu Rishi. Guru had asked only 140 millions, so he gave the rest back to Kautsa. Kautsa was not interested in money. In those days honor was considered more valuable than wealth. He asked the king to take the remaining gold coins back but the king refused to take them back as kings do not take back the daan (gift).
Finally, Kautsa distributed the gold coins to the people of Ayodhya on the day of Ashwin shukla dashami. In remembrance of this event, the custom is kept of looting the leaves of the “Aapati” trees, and people present each other these leaves as “sone” (gold).
Simollanghan – crossing the border – War Season
In ancient times kings used the feast of Dasara to cross the frontier and fight against their neighboring kingdoms. This border crossing is known as “simollanghan”. Thus, Dasara also marks the beginning of the war season.
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दशहरे पर क्यों बांटते हैं शमी की पत्तियां
विजयादशमी पर रावण दहन के बाद कई प्रांतों में शमी के पत्ते को सोना समझकर देने का प्रचलन है। कई जगहों पर इसके वृक्ष की पूजा की जाती है। आइए जानते हैं क्यों पूजनीय है यह वृक्ष।

अश्विन मास के शारदीय नवरात्र में शक्ति पूजा के नौ दिन बाद दशहरा अर्थात विजयादशमी का पर्वमनाया जाता है। असत्य पर सत्य की विजय का प्रतीक इस पर्व के दौरान रावण दहन और शस्त्र पूजन के साथ शमीवृक्ष का भी पूजन किया जाता है। संस्कृत साहित्य में अग्नि को 'शमी गर्भ'के नाम से जाना जाता है।
हिंदू धर्म में विजयादशमी के दिन शमी वृक्ष का पूजन करते आए हैं। खासकर क्षत्रियों में इस पूजन का महत्व ज्यादा है। महाभारत के युद्ध में पांडवों ने इसी वृक्ष के ऊपर अपने हथियार छुपाए थे और बाद में उन्हें कौरवों से जीत प्राप्त हुई थी। इस दिन शाम को वृक्ष का पूजन करने से आरोग्य व धन की प्राप्ति होती है। दशहरे पर शमी के वृक्ष की पूजन परंपरा हमारे यहां प्राचीन समय से चली आ रही है।
मान्यता है कि मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम भगवान श्रीराम ने लंका पर आक्रमण करने के पूर्व शमी वृक्ष के सामने सिर नवाकर अपनी विजय हेतु प्रार्थना की थी। भगवान श्रीराम ने इन पत्तियों का स्पर्श किया और विजय प्राप्त की थी, इसीलिए मान्यता चल पड़ी कि शमी की पत्तियां विजयादशमी के दिन सुख, समृद्धि, और विजय का आशीष देती है। कालांतर में इसे स्वर्ण के समान मान लिया गया और दशहरे की शुभकामना के साथ इसका आदान-प्रदान होने लगा यह कह कर कि सोने जैसी यह पत्तियां आपके जीवन में भी सौभाग्य और समृद्धि लेकर आए।
मान्यता है कि मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम भगवान श्रीराम ने लंका पर आक्रमण करने के पूर्व शमी वृक्ष के सामने सिर नवाकर अपनी विजय हेतु प्रार्थना की थी। भगवान श्रीराम ने इन पत्तियों का स्पर्श किया और विजय प्राप्त की थी, इसीलिए मान्यता चल पड़ी कि शमी की पत्तियां विजयादशमी के दिन सुख, समृद्धि, और विजय का आशीष देती है। कालांतर में इसे स्वर्ण के समान मान लिया गया और दशहरे की शुभकामना के साथ इसका आदान-प्रदान होने लगा यह कह कर कि सोने जैसी यह पत्तियां आपके जीवन में भी सौभाग्य और समृद्धि लेकर आए।
गुजरात के कच्छ जिले,भुज शहर में करीबन साढ़े चार सौ साल पुराना एक शमीवृक्ष है।
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The festival of Dussehra has been considered to symbolise the ... holds much importance in Ayodhya with ...Kumbh and Dussehra - YouTube
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One of the popular Hindu festivals, Dussehra is celebrated with pomp ... Since then, people loot the leaves ...Kumbh and Vijaydashmi - YouTube
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One of the popular Hindu festivals, Dussehra is celebrated with pomp ... Since then, people loot the leaves ...Woman looted at gunpoint at Hyderabad ATM - India Today
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Dasara - Vijaya Dashami - Pt. Vilas Thuse
Dasara is the festival of Victory of Good over Bad, God over Devil. .... In remembrance of this event the custom is kept of looting the leaves of the "Aapati" trees, ...Vijayadashami - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Celebrations, This day marks the end of Durga Puja so people immerse the ..... of Shami leaves on Vijayadashmi has been a symbol of good will and victory.
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Dussehra Festival - Private Driver In india
One of the big festivals celebrated in most parts of India is Dussehra. ... Even today, in Ayodhya, the capital of King Raghu, people loot the leaves of the apati ...Dussehra History - Dussehra festival in India
www.indiaexpress.com › Festivals › Dussehra
One of the popular Hindu festivals, Dussehra is celebrated with pomp and gaiety. ... Since then, people loot the leaves of apati trees and present to each other as ...Dussehra 2014: History and Significance; 5 Interesting ...
Sep 30, 2014 - The festival of Dussehra has been considered to symbolise the ... holds much importance in Ayodhya with people looting the leaves of the Apati ...Legends of Dussehra - TheHolidaySpot
Dussehra or Dasara is the final day of the joyous Navratri festival. ... is still observed with the people looting the leaves of the apati trees and presenting them to ...Dussehra India - India Fairs and Festivals - Dgreetings
Dussehra India is celebrated everywhere, the most famous ones are Mysore ... In remembrance of this event the custom is kept of looting the leaves of the "apati" ...Dussehra the victory of good over evil - The Indian Panorama
www.theindianpanorama.news › Spirituality & Religion
Dussehra is a popular festival celebrated by Hindus all over India, albeit with ... Since then, people loot the leaves of apati trees and present to each other as a ...The Spirit Behind the Celebration of Vijayadashami Festival
Vijaya Dashami also known as Dasara, Dashahara, Navaratri, Durgotdsav... is one .... In remembrance of this event the custom is kept of looting the leaves of the ...
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