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Brahmacharini | |
Penance | |
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Devanagari | ब्रह्मचारिणी |
Affiliation | Avatar of Shakti, Parvati |
Weapon | Japa mala, Kamandalu |
Consort | Shiva |
Texts | Devi-Bhagavata Purana |
Brahmacharini, also known as Tapaswini, Tapasyacharini or Parvati, is the second form of the Goddess Durga. Her name means one who practices penance or brahmacharya, with "Brahma" meaning penance and Charini" meaning a female follower.[1] The Goddess is worshipped on the second day of Navratri (the nine divine nights of Navadurga). Those who are devoted to her are rewarded with virtue, emancipation, peace, prosperity, happiness and nobility. She holds a japa mala (rosary) in her right hand and Kamandal, a water utensil in her left hand.[2]
When the goddess Parvati realised that she was destined to marry Lord Shiva, she decided to please him in every possible way. Rishi Narad advised her to follow the path of extreme penance and dedication to please Lord Shiva.
Parvati immersed herself in a difficult penance or tapasya. She suffered all the torments of nature while performing the penance. She gave up food and water, living on a diet of leaves. This is the reason she is also known as Aparna. After many years, Parvati was finally successful. Lord Shiva accepted Parvati as his wife and named this form of her as "Brahmachari".
The goddess Brahmacharini is worshipped on the second day of Navratri to acquire the power to abstain from food and water for the festival's nine days. With Devi Brahmacharini's blessing, devotees can keep the fast for nine days with no adverse effect on their health. The following mantra is chanted to invoke Goddess Brahmacharini:
- Dadhana Karpadma abhyamaksh Mala kamandalu
- Devi Prasidatu Mayi Brahmacharinya Nuttama
नवरात्रि के दूसरे दिन मां ब्रह्मचारिणी की आराधना Posted by: Saurav Published: Thursday, September 29, 2011, 10:45 [IST] Share this on your social network: FacebookTwitterGoogle+ Comments (0) Mail लखनऊ। मां दुर्गा का दूसरा रूप ब्रह्मचारिणी जिसका दिव्य स्वरूप व्यक्ति के भीतर सात्विक वृत्तियों के अभिवर्दन को प्रेरित करता है। मां ब्रह्मचारिणी को सभी विधाओं का ज्ञाता माना जाता है। मां के इस रूप की आराधना से मनचाहे फल की प्राप्ति होती है। तप, त्याग, वैराग्य, सदाचार व संयम जैसे गुणों वृद्धि होती है। ब्रह्मचारिणी का अर्थ तप की चारिणी अर्थात तप का आचरण करने वाली। मां के इस दिव्य स्वरूप का पूजन करने मात्र से ही भक्तों में आलस्य, अंहकार, लोभ, असत्य, स्वार्थपरता व ईष्र्या जैसी दुष्प्रवृत्तियां दूर होती हैं। मां के मंदिरों में नवरात्र के दूसरे दिन माता के ब्रह्मचारिणी रूप की आराधना होगी। मां अपने भक्तों को जीवन की कठिन परिस्थतियों में भी आशा व विश्वास के साथ कर्तव्यपथ पर चलने की दिशा प्रदान करती है। आज के दिन माता का ध्यान ब्रह्मा के उस दिव्य चेतना का बोध कराता है जो हमे पथभ्रष्ट, चारित्रिक पतन व कुलषित जीवन से मुक्ति दिलाते हुए पवित्र जीवन जीने की कला सिखाती है। मां का यह स्वरूप समस्त शक्तियों को एकाग्र कर बुद्धि विवेक व धैर्य के साथ सफलता की राह पर बढऩे की सीख देता है। ब्रहमचारिणी मां दुर्गा को द्वितीय शक्ति स्वरूप है। मां स्वेत वस्त्र पहने दाएं हाथ में अष्टदल की माला और बांए हाथ में कमण्डल लिए हुए सुशोभित है। पैराणिक ग्रंथों के अनुसार यह हिमालय की पुत्री थीं तथा नादर के उपदेश के बाद यह भगवान को पति के रूप में पाने के लिए इन्होंने कठोर तप किया। जिस कारण इनका नाम ब्रह्मचारिणी पड़ा। इन्होंने भगवान शिव को पाने के लिए 1000 वर्षों तक सिर्फ फल खाकर ही रहीं तथा अगले 3000 वर्ष की तपस्या सिर्फ पेड़ों से गिरी पत्तियां खाकर की। इसी कड़ी तपस्या के कारण उन्हें ब्रह्मचारिणी व तपस्चारिणी कहा गया है। कठोर तप के बाद इनका विवाद भगवान शिव से हुआ। माता सदैव आनन्द मयी रहती हैं। ध्यान मंत्र दधांना कर पहाभ्यामक्षमाला कमण्डलम। देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मiचारिण्यनुत्तमा।। Read more about: नवरात्रि, उपवास, हिन्दू, दुर्गा पूजा, त्योहार, भारत, navratri, hindu, festival, fast, durga pooja
Maa Brahmacharini, story, mantra
Maa Brahmacharini, Story, Mantra
Maa Brahmacharini – The Second Manifestation of Maa Durga
Maa Brahmacharini is the second manifestation of Maa Durga who is worshippied on the second day of Navratri. Here word “Brahm” refers to “Tapa”. So Brahmcharini means Tapa Charini – The one who perform Tapa or penance. It is Said that the “Vedas”, “Tatva” & “Tapa” are synonyms of word “Brahm”. The form of Brahmacharini is tremendously effulgent and extremely majestic.
She holds a rosary in her right hand and Kamandalu in her left. SHE personifies love and loyalty. Mata Bhramacharni is store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is HER most adorned ornament. When she was incarnated as the daughter of Himalaya, then influenced by the instructions of Devrishi Narada, she practiced very hard penances in order to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort. Due to her unearthly penances she was termed as Brahmacharini. She spent one thousand years, only on fruits and beet-roots. One hundred years she spent only by eating leafy vegetables. For a sufficient perfiod of time observing complete fast she suffered tormenting of nature like torrential rains and scorching sun and biting cold, under the open sky. After such a difficult routine she lived only on dry Bilva pattaras (leaves) fallen on the ground for three thousand years. She kept her engrossed for twenty-four hours in worshiping Lord Shiva. After that she gave up eating even these dry leaves. For several thousand years she went on without any food and water. Because she gave up eating dry Bilva leaves so she was known to be Aparna as one of her epithets.
After the hardship of penance for several thousand years her body became extremely lean and thin. She was reduced to skeleton only. Her penance, sharpened as it was, caused great disturbance in all the three worlds. The whole universe was shaken. The Gods, the Rishis, the Siddhas, the Munis all eulogized her penance as an unprecedented virtuous action. Ultimately Lord Brahma through an oracle addressed her and said to her in a very pleasant manner-O Goddess, so far nobody has ever practiced such an austere penance. Only you could have done it. This wonderful deed is being praised in all the four quarters. Your desire would be fulfilled. You will decidedly get Lord Shiva as your divine consort. Now stop your penance and go home. Your father would be shortly coming to take you back.
Legend states that in a previous birth she was Parvati Hemavati the daughter of Himvan. Once when she was busy in games with her friends,Naradaji came to see her and on reading her hand/palm-lines Narad Muni stated that, “You will get married with a naked-terrible ‘Bhole baba’ who was with you in the form of Sati, the daughter of Daksh in previous birth. But now you have to perform penance for him.” There upon Parvati told her mother Menaka that she would marry none except Shambhu, otherwise she would remain unmarried. Saying this she went to observe penance. That is why her name is famous as tapacharini – Brahmacharini. From that time her name Uma also became familiar. She is the one who practices devout austerity. Filled with bliss and happiness, she is the way to emancipation – Moksha.‘Brahma’ here refers to the meditative aspect of Brahmacharini and is always depicted as pious women or Sannyasin. She is also worshipped as goddess Tara and is associated with the pious form of Goddess Shakti. She is believed to be that aspect of Mother Goddess, which was present in Sati and Goddess Parvati, when they both did intense austerities to get Lord Shiva as husband. During the penance Mata Parvati did in order to gain Lord Shivji as her consort for thousands of yrs. without eating even leaves she penance so she was called ‘Aparna’. Seeing her body her mother uttered U-ma and so she is also called ‘Uma’. Her worship increases sacrifice,good deeds and restraint in humans. Rudraksha is her most adorned ornament.In some regions, Goddess Chamunda swarup of Durga is worshiped on the second day of Navratri. In this form she is believed to have killed the demons Chanda and Munda.There is a famous Chamunda Mata temple at Jodhpur.
Brahmacharini Durga is capable of providing unending benefits. By worshiping her the person inculcates penancing, renouncing, dispassion, ethical conduct and restraint in himself. Even in the most critical periods of struggle the mind remains unshaken and he does not deviate from the path of duty. By the grace of mother Brahmacharini he gets success and victory always and everywhere. On the second day of Navratri Durga Pooja it is the Brahmacharini aspect of mother Goddess Durga that is worshipped. This way the mind of the striver moving upward is established in Swadhisthana Chakra. The Yogi, who makes his mind stay in this Chakra gets the devotion and blessings of the Goddess.
Mantra to chant
Om doom durgaya namah. Bhramcharni devi is a store-house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha is her most dear ornament. One hand holds a “Kumbha” or water pot and the other rosary beads of rudraksh. Special benediction–She personifies love and loyalty. We see energies of blue light manifesting bringing empowered actualization of goals. Mantra chanting empowers throat chakra, rectifies negative thoughts and blesses access for more liberating super karma and attracts forgiveness of negative karma. This day we also receive energies of strength and tolerance and create positive Karma to bring fame and fortune to ourselves and family. At this time blue light radiates from plants and trees in fine filaments activating throat and speech energies. Whatever is spoken will multiply for the next 6 months so on this day one must be particularly attentive to what one says out loud especially. We see the presence of energies of their Lordships Sita Ram–golden triangular energies of blessing as big as the human head descending from the north-east. All those who speak the truth during this time receive this energy within their mind, homes and future life. Offering: two apples and a candle/lamp to Bhramcharini devi morning and evening (after sunset); accept and share the apples in the evening with others. Mentally offer all fragrant flowers, fruits, gems, clothing.Offering of kheer – with lotus seeds (phul makhana) will bring glory to you.

दधाना करपद्माभ्यामक्षमालाकमण्डलू ।
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ।।
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा ।।
भगवती दुर्गा की नौ शक्तियों का दूसरा स्वरूप ब्रह्मचारिणी का है। ब्रह्म का अर्थ है, तपस्या, तप का आचरण करने वाली भगवती। जिस कारण उन्हें ब्रह्मचारिणी कहा गया, वेदस्तत्त्वं तपो ब्रह्म – वेद, तत्व और तप। ‘ ब्रह्म ‘ शब्द का अर्थ है ब्रह्मचारिणी देवी का स्वरूप पूर्ण ज्योतिर्मय एवं अत्यन्त भव्य है। इनके दाहिने हाथ में जप की माला एवं बाएं हाथ में कमण्डल रहता है। अपने पूर्व जन्म में ये राजा हिमालय के घर पुत्री रुप में उत्पन्न हुई थी। भगवान शंकर को पति रुप में प्राप्त करने के लिए इन्होने घोर तपस्या की थी। माँ दुर्गा का यह दूसरा स्वरुप भक्तों और सिद्धों को अनन्त फ़ल देने वाला कहा गया है। माँ ब्रह्मचारिणी देवी की कृपा से सर्वत्र सिद्धि और विजय की प्राप्ति होती है।
वन्दे वांच्छितलाभायचन्द्रर्घकृतशेखराम्।
जपमालाकमण्डलुधराब्रह्मचारिणी शुभाम्॥
गौरवर्णास्वाधिष्ठानास्थितांद्वितीय दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
धवल परिधानांब्रह्मरूपांपुष्पालंकारभूषिताम्॥
पद्मवंदनापल्लवाराधराकातंकपोलांपीन पयोधराम्।
कमनीयांलावण्यांस्मेरमुखीनिम्न नाभि नितम्बनीम्॥
जपमालाकमण्डलुधराब्रह्मचारिणी शुभाम्॥
गौरवर्णास्वाधिष्ठानास्थितांद्वितीय दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
धवल परिधानांब्रह्मरूपांपुष्पालंकारभूषिताम्॥
पद्मवंदनापल्लवाराधराकातंकपोलांपीन पयोधराम्।
कमनीयांलावण्यांस्मेरमुखीनिम्न नाभि नितम्बनीम्॥
ब्रह्मरूपधराब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
नवचक्रभेदनी त्वंहिनवऐश्वर्यप्रदायनीम्।
धनदासुखदा ब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
शंकरप्रियात्वंहिभुक्ति-मुक्ति दायिनी।
शान्तिदामानदा,ब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्।
ब्रह्मरूपधराब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
नवचक्रभेदनी त्वंहिनवऐश्वर्यप्रदायनीम्।
धनदासुखदा ब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
शंकरप्रियात्वंहिभुक्ति-मुक्ति दायिनी।
शान्तिदामानदा,ब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्।
त्रिपुरा में हृदयेपातुललाटेपातुशंकरभामिनी।
अंग प्रत्यंग सतत पातुब्रह्मचारिणी॥
मां दुर्गा का तृतीय स्वरूपब्रह्मचारिणी
अंग प्रत्यंग सतत पातुब्रह्मचारिणी॥
मां दुर्गा का तृतीय स्वरूपब्रह्मचारिणी
Maa Brahmacharini, Story, Mantra
Read more at: http://hindi.oneindia.com/news/2011/09/29/navratri-day-2-maa-brahmacharini-aid0146.html
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On the second day of Navaratri, Maa Brahmacharini – a manifestation of Maa Durga – is worshipped. For ...
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The second day of Navaratri is dedicated to Maa Brahmacharini. Read on to know the mantra to worship the 2nd Avatar of Goddess Durga.Goddess Brahmacharini | Devi Brahmacharini | Maa ...
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This page provides information about Goddess Brahmacharini. Devi Brahmacharini is one of the nine incarnations of Goddess Parvati.नवरात्रि के दूसरे दिन मां ब्रह्मचारिणी की ...
hindi.oneindia.com › हिन्दी › समाचार › फीचरTranslate this page
Sep 29, 2011 - On the second day of Navratri people worship Maa Brahmacharini. मां दुर्गा का दूसरा रूप ब्रह्मचारिणी जिसका दिव्य ...Maa Brahmacharini, story, mantra | Pujaa.se::::: Aapke ...
pujaa.se › Navdurga
Maa Brahmacharini is the second manifestation of Maa Durga who is worshippied on the second day of Navratri. Here word “Brahm” refers to “Tapa”.Navratri Puja and Mantra -Day 2 Maa Brahmacharini ...
Oct 6, 2013 - Second day is dedicated to Goddess Brahmacharini. Lets known the Navratri Puja rituals and Mantra to please Maa Brahmacharini the second ...Brahmacharini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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There is a famous Chamunda Maa temple at Jodhpur. :: Dhyana Mantra ofBrahmacharini :: Brahmacharini Dhyana mantra is recited on the second day of Durga ...Maa Brahmacharini – The Second Manifestation of Maa Durga
Sep 21, 2009 - Maa Brahmacharini is the second manifestation of Maa Durga who is worshippied on the second day of Navratri. Here word “Brahm” refers to ...Searches related to brahmacharini maa
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