Saraswati Mata.
Almost all Hindus worship the deities;Mata Saraswati,Mata Lakshmi and Ganesha and it is an integral part of the festival, Diwali.Mata Lakshmi signifies fortune and prosperity, Mata Saraswati seating with her Veena represents knowledge and learning and Ganesha is the God who is the remover of all the obstacles.It is believed that worshipping them during the Diwali festival enriches the happiness, wealth, wisdom and prosperity.
The goddess of knowledge and the arts, embodies the wisdom of Devi. She is the river of consciousness that enlivens creation.She is the goddess dawn who dispels the darkness of ignorance.To realize her one must go beyond the pleasures of the senses and rejoice in the serenity of the spirit.Saraswati neither wears jewels nor uses any bright colors. The white sari on her reflects the purity.
She transcends the cravings of the flesh and rejoices in the powers of the mind as the patron of pure wisdom.She embodies all that is pure and sublime in Nature.The four Vedas,are her offsprings.Her herald, the peacock, is a symbol of the arts and her mount, the swan, personifies pure knowledge.

Brahma was thinking to bring to order when Mata Saraswati advised him to get it done with the use of Knowledge.
Mata Saraswati,came out from Brahma’s mouth Heralded by a peacock, sacred books and a veena in hands,clad in white sari.
“Knowledge helps man to solve all problems.” Said Mata. With her guidence Brahma could sense, think, comprehend and communicate. Also, he could see the happenings with eyes of wisdom.
Brahma explored the melody of mantrasand he named Mata as 'Vagdevi', the goddess of speech and sound.
The sound of mantras filled the universe with vital energy and life and the cosmos got a form,like heaven,the ocean.the earth.The sun began the routine of rise and set.the moon had his routine, the ocean had tide and ebb. The season cycle started. plants bloomed and withered, animals reproduced and the universe was set to order.
Brahma thus became the creator of the world with as his wisdom.Saraswati was the first being to come into Brahma’s world.Brahma began to look upon her with eyes of desire.
Brahma could not control and he was infatuated towards the lovely goddess. He got himself four heads facing al directions so as to stare his eyes on Saraswatis beauty.Saraswati stayed away from Brahma, by taking various forms as a cow.bird,mare etc.and Brahma then followed her as the corresponding male equivalent. No matter how hard Brahma tried he could not catchSaraswati in any of her forms.The goddess with multiple forms came to be known as 'Shatarupa'.
Angered by his unbridled passion ,Saraswati cursed Brahma, “You are not worthy of reverence. May there be hardly any temple or festival in your name.”Later on ,Lord Shiva with anger taught Brahma lesson and cut his fifth head.
Brahma performed a yagna, fire sacrifice, to cleanse himself.Since for the performance of Yadnya ritual the assistance of a wife is needed,Brahma chose Saraswati to be his wife and thus they were reconciled.
Mata Saraswati had also saved the world from Lord Shiva's anger.
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Varade kamaroopini l
Vidyarambham karishyami,
Siddhirbhavatu me sada

Mata Saraswati Vandana
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Ya shubhra vastravruta l
Ya veena var danda manditakara,
Ya shweta padmasana l
Ya brahmachyut shankar prabhrutibhih,
Devai sada vandita,
Sa man patu saraswati bhagavati,
Nihshesh jadya paha ll
Saraswati is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons.
Hindu Goddess Saraswati the Goddess of Wisdom
Saraswati the goddess of knowledge, who is praised by the wise, who is the wife of the creator, may she reside on the tip of my tongue.
Saraswati, goddess of knowledge and the arts, embodies the wisdom of Devi. She is the river of consciousness that enlivens creation; she is the dawn-goddess whose rays dispel the darkness of ignorance. Without her there is only chaos and confusion. To realize her one must go beyond the pleasures of the senses and rejoice in the serenity of the spirit.
Saraswati wears neither jewels or paints herself with bright colors. The white sari she adorns reflects her essential purity, her rejection of all that is base and materialistic.
She transcends the cravings of the flesh and rejoices in the powers of the mind as the patron of pure wisdom. She embodies all that is pure and sublime in Nature.
The four Vedas, books of universal knowledge, were her offspring. Her mount, the swan, personifies pure knowledge and her herald, the peacock, is a symbol of the arts.
Schools and libraries are her temples; books, pens, all tools of the artist and musical instruments are the items used in puja to the enlightening goddess of wisdom.
| The Birth of Saraswati
In the beginning there was chaos. Everything existed in a formless, fluid state. "How do I bring order to this disorder?" wondered Brahma, the creator. "With Knowledge", said Devi.
Heralded by a peacock, sacred books in one hand and a veena in the other dressed in white Devi emerged from Brahma's mouth riding a swan as the goddess Saraswati.
"Knowledge helps man find possibilities where once he saw problems." Said the goddess. Under her tutelage Brahma acquired the ability to sense, think, comprehend and communicate. He began looking upon chaos with eyes of wisdom and thus saw the beautiful potential that lay therein.
Brahma discovered the melody of mantras in the cacophony of chaos. In his joy he named Saraswati, Vagdevi, goddess of speech and sound.
The sound of mantras filled the universe with vital energy, or prana. Things began to take shape and the cosmos acquired a structure: the sky dotted with stars rose to form the heavens; the sea sank into the abyss below, the earth stood in between. Gods became lords of the celestial spheres; demons ruled the nether regions, humans walked on earth. The sun rose and set, the moon waxed and waned, the tide flowed and ebbed. Seasons changed, seeds germinated, plants bloomed and withered, animals migrated and reproduced as randomness gave way to the rhythm of life. |
Brahma thus became the creator of the world with Saraswati as his wisdom.
Saraswati was the first being to come into Brahma's world. Brahma began to look upon her with eyes of desire. She turned away saying, "All I offer must be used to elevate the spirit, not indulge the senses."
Brahma could not control his amorous thoughts and his infatuation for the lovely goddess grew. He continued to stare at Saraswati. He gave himself four heads facing every direction so that he could always be able to feast his eyes on Saraswati's beauty.
Saraswati moved away from Brahma, first taking the form of a cow. Brahma then followed her as a bull. Saraswati then changed into a mare; Brahma gave chase as a horse. Every time Saraswati turned into a bird or a beast he followed her as the corresponding male equivalent. No matter how hard Brahma tried he could not catch Saraswati in any of her forms.
The goddess with multiple forms came to be known as Shatarupa. She personified material reality, alluring yet fleeting.
Saraswati Curses Brahma
Angered by his display of unbridled passion Saraswati cursed Brahma, "You have filled the world with longing that is the seed of unhappiness. You have fettered the soul in the flesh. You are not worthy of reverence. May there be hardly any temple or festival in your name."
So it came to pass that there are only two temples of Brahma in India; one at Pushkar, Rajistan and the other in Kumbhakonam, Tamil Nadu.
Undaunted by the curse, Brahma continued to cast his lustful looks uponSaraswati. He gave himself a fifth head to enhance his gaze.
Bhairava, Shiva, Confronts Brahma
Brahma's action motivated by desire confined consciousness and excited the ego. It disturbed the serenity of the cosmos and roused Shiva, the supreme ascetic from his meditation.
Shiva opened his eyes, sensed Saraswati's discomfort and in a fit of rage turned into Bhairava, lord of terror. His eyes were red, his growl menacing. He lunged towards Brahma and with his sharp claws, wretched off Brahma's fifth head. The violence subdued Brahma's passion.
Brahma's cut head seared through Bhairava's flesh and clung to his hand sapping him of all his strength and driving him mad. The lord of terror ranted and raved losing control of his senses.
Saraswati, pleased with Bhairava's timely action, rushed to his rescue. With her gentle touch she nursed him like a child, restoring his sanity.
Brahma, sobered by his encounter with the Lord of terror sought an escape from the maze of his own desire. Saraswati revealed to him the doctrine for his own liberation.
Brahma sought to conduct a yagna, fire sacrifice, to cleanse himself and start anew. In order to conduct a yagna ritual the assistance of a wife is needed. Brahma chose Saraswati to be his wife and thus they were reconciled. |
Saraswati, her Veena and the song of the Gandharva
The Gandharvas were demigods who sprang from the fragrance of flowers. Once they stole the Soma plant whose inebriating and invigorating sap was much sought after by the devas. The theft of the Soma infuriated all the gods.
Saraswati promised to recover the soma plant. She went to the garden of the gandharvas and with her veena created enchanting tunes: the ragas and the raginis.
"Give us this music," begged the gandharvas.
"Only if you give back the Soma plant to the devas," said the goddess.
The gandharvas returned the Soma plant and learned how to play music from Saraswati. In time they became celestial musicians whose melodies had more power to rouse the mind than any intoxicant.
Saraswati Outwits a Demon
A demon practiced many austerities to appease Brahma. The demon sought to conquer the three worlds and the gods feared that he may ask a boon that would make him invincible; the gods sought the help of the goddess Saraswati. The goddess sat on the tongue of the demon so that when it was time to ask for a boon all he could say was, "I would like to never stay awake."
"So be it," said Brahma.
As a result, the demon wanted to conquer the three worlds ended up going to sleep forever.
Saraswati, Lakshmi and Brahma
Brahma created the universe with the help of Saraswati. Brahma was the guardian of the cosmos. He too needed Saraswati's support to sustain the cosmos. Using her knowledge he instituted and maintained dharma, sacred laws that ensure stability and growth in society.
Brahma also needed the help of Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, who gave him the wherewithal to ensure cosmic order.
The question arose: who did Brahma need more? Lakshmi or Saraswati? Wealth or knowledge? The goddesses argued, "Knowledge does not fill an empty stomach." Said Saraswati. "Wealth keeps man alive but gives no meaning to life." Said Saraswati.
"I need both knowledge and wealth to sustain the cosmos. Without knowledge I cannot plan. Without wealth I cannot implement a plan. Wealth sustains life; the arts give value to life. Thus bothLakshmi and Saraswati are needed to live a full life.
Saraswati Saves the World from Shiva's Third Eye and the Beast of Doom Shiva was woken from his meditations and looked around to discover a world on the brink of corruption and being unsalvageable. Shiva decided it was time to wipe the slate clean. Shiva, the destroyer, opened his world destroying third eye attempting to destroy the three worlds.. Out came a terrible fire that threatened all existence.
There was panic everywhere. Saraswati calmly stated, "Do not worry. Shiva's fire burns only that which is impure and corrupt.";
She took the form of a river and with her pure waters picked up the dreaded fire from ShivaBadavagni - the beast of doom.
"So long as the world is pure and man wise, this terrible creature will remain on the bottom of the sea. When wisdom is abandoned and man corrupts the world, Badavagni will emerge and destroy the universe," foretold the wise goddess.

Devi Saraswati, the Goddess of wisdom and knowledge
Saraswati is the Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and the learning. She is the part of the trinity of Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati. This trinity helps Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh to create, maintain and destroy (to regenerate) the universe respectively. As per Devi Bhagwat, Goddess Saraswati is the wife of Lord Brahma. She abodes in Brahmapura, the abode of Lord Brahma.
Lord Brahma who is the creator of the universe also created Goddess Saraswati. Hence She is also known as the daughter of Lord Brahma. Goddess Saraswati is also known by names such as Goddess Savitriand Goddess Gayatri.
Saraswati Family
Bhagawati Saraswati was born out of the mouth of Lord Brahma. Hence She became the Goddess of speech, including music and the knowledge. It is believed that Lord Brahma was so enamored with the beauty of Goddess Saraswati that He desired to marry Her and many religious texts mention Goddess Saraswati as the consort of Lord Brahma.
Being the husband of Goddess Saraswati, Lord Brahma is also known as Vaagish which means Lord of Speech and Sound.

Saraswati Iconography
Goddess Saraswati is depicted as a beautiful woman dressed in pure white with a calm and soothing face. In most iconographies, She is portrayed as playing a Veena while sitting on a blossomed white lotus flower. In most images a swan and a peacock accompanies Her and in some images She mounts on a swan.
She is depicted with four hands. She holds a rosary and a book in two of Her hands while playing a Veena with remaining two hands.
Goddess Saraswati Worshipping Days

Saraswati Vandana
Saraswati Ya Kundendu is the most famous Stuti dedicated to Goddess Saraswati and part of the famous Saraswati Stotram. It is recited during Saraswati Puja on the eve of Vasant Panchami.
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना।
या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा॥१॥
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना।
या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता
सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा॥१॥
शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमामाद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं
वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्।
हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थिताम्
वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम्॥२॥
वीणा-पुस्तक-धारिणीमभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापहाम्।
हस्ते स्फटिकमालिकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थिताम्
वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धिप्रदां शारदाम्॥२॥
Saraswati Mantra
Saraswati Incarnations and Swaroop
- Maha Saraswati
- Neel Saraswati
Saraswati Temples
- Sri Sharadamba Temple, Sringeri, Karnataka
- Dakshina Mookambika Temple, Ernakulam, Kerala
- Wargal Saraswati Temple, Medak, Telangana
- Gnana Saraswati Temple, Basar, Telangana
- Shri Saraswathi Kshetramu, Ananthasagar, Telangana

Saraswati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SaraswatiSaraswati (Sanskrit: सरस्वती, Sarasvatī) is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music, arts,wisdom and learning. She is a part of the trinity of Saraswati, ...Goddess Saraswati| Hindu Goddess of Wisdom | Mata ...
www.drikpanchang.com › Hindu GoddessesGoddess Saraswati is the Hindu Goddess of knowledge, music, arts, wisdom and the learning and also known as Goddess Sharada. Goddess Saraswati is a ...Saraswati, Hindu Goddess Saraswati, Saraswati Wisdom ...
www.lotussculpture.com/sarasvati.htmLearn about Saraswati the Hindu goddess of knowledge and the arts, who embodies thewisdom of Devi.Saraswati Maa » Jai Maa Vaishnavi
www.maavaishnavi.com/maa-maha-saraswati-goddess-of-wisdom/That Mahasaraswati I worship here who destroyed Sumbha and other asuras. Maa MahaSaraswati Goddess of Wisdom. Maa Saraswathi is generally shown to... Learn the Worship of Saraswati - Hindu Goddesses
www.shreemaa.org/worship-of-goddess-saraswati/Jan 1, 2012 - Learn Saraswati's yogic method of worship - Sanskrit mantras, sacred ...Saraswati and seek Her blessings to attain the Highest Wisdom. ... The SaraswatiStotram is available on Shree Maa's CD, In the Temple of the Heart.Saraswati: Goddess of Knowledge & Arts
hinduism.about.com/od/hindugoddesses/p/saraswati.htmSaraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants to her often ...Mata Saraswati , Info & Worship - ShreeDarshan.com
www.shreedarshan.com/mata-saraswati.htmAlmost all Hindus worship the deities;Mata Saraswati,Mata Lakshmi and Ganesha ... the Diwali festival enriches the happiness, wealth, wisdom and prosperity.Saraswati mata - #Saraswati #mata... - Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/sarawatimata/posts/686722701445876Saraswati #mata Saraswati(Sanskrit:,Sarasvatī ?) is the Hindu ... is the Hindu goddessof knowledge, music, arts, wisdomand nature. She is a part of the trinity of ...Goddess Saraswati and her Mantras - Esoteric Online
www.esotericonline.net/group/.../goddess-saraswati-and-her-mantrasFeb 5, 2013 - 3 posts - 3 authorsSaraswati Worship Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. ... Om Saraswati Mayaa Drishtwa, Veena Pustak Dharnim | Hans Vahini Samayuktaa Maa Vidya Daan ...
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