About Waari Tradition |
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The annual Pandharpur Yatra (Waari) to the famous VithobaTemple at Pandharpur in Maharashtra from Dehu and Alandi attracts thousands of people and pilgrims known as warkaris. In 2015, Pandarpur Yatra date on Ashadi Ekadasi on July 27, 2015. In 2015, the date of commencement of Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi from Dehu is July 8. Sant Dnyaneshwar Palkhi from Alandi begins on July 9, 2015. Pilgrims follow the Shri Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi from Dehu and Sant Dnyaneshwar Palkhi from Alandi, which is a 21-day travel by foot to Pandarpur.
 The Pandarpur Yatra is a pilgrimage to the Vithoba Temple, also known as VitthalRukhmini Temple, which is dedicated to Lord Krishna. Pandharpur Ashadi Ekadasi Wari Yatra has been taking place for more than 700 years.
The main Pandarpur Yatra starts from the Sant TukaramTemple at Dehu in Pune District. The warkaris or pilgrims follow the Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi procession. This main procession is joined by Sant Dnyaneshwar palkhi from Alandi near Pune. Numerous other palkhis from other towns and villages join the yatra on the way.
The pilgrimage ends on the Ekadasi day during the waxing phase of moon in the Ashada Month as per traditional Marathi calendar.
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Waari: It is a holy pilgrimage in Maharashtra (India) and the participants in the Waari are called ‘Waarakaris’
It’s a vision that would melt the heart of the staunchest atheist. And it must be one of its kinds in the world; at one time, millions of people walk in Waari- a holy pilgrimage by Hindus. It’s perhaps, the world’s longest pilgrimage. Remarkable, in over 700 years of waari tradition, no stampede or chaos has ever taken place.
Waari is undertaken in the Hindu month of Aashaadh (around June-July). Every year, millions of devotees walk along the 250 km route fromAalandi (near Pune, India) to PandharPur (near Solapur, Southern Maharashtra ). There are other groups also walking from southern states of India like Karnataka, Andhara Pradesh etc. They walk with one focus and that is to reach PandharPur and offer their respects to Lord Vitthal (reincarnation of Hindu God Vishnu).
The waarkaris (pilgrims) are mainly agriculturists and the majority of them are poor. After traveling for almost 15-20 days, devotees reach PandharPur to meet their favorite God, Vitthal. A chain of millions of men, women and children walking for miles with non-stop chants ofGyaanbaa-Tukaaraam on their lips, is an incredible spectacle.
References of waari can be found as far back as one thousand years. Nobody knows anything about the original waarkaris. According to an account, parents of Saint Dnyaneshwar (13th century) undertook this pilgrimage and he followed the steps later. When Sant Dnyaneshwar undertook this tradition, Waarakaris (worshippers) rendered traditional songs called Abhanga all along the route. He used to walk barefoot with a flag in his hands, keeping his fast throughout the journey.
Dindee:A small group of waarakaris is called a Dindi. All dindis combined is called Waari. Seven centuries have passed, but worshippers from all the corners of Maharashtra still go for this holy journey. Most waarkaris observe fast. Some of them even walk barefoot; a spiritual belief propagating that the path to reach God is chock-a-block with obstacles and hardships. Devotees of all age groups form the Dindi and celebrate abandoning all tensions and problems. All the worshippers reach their destination; in spiritual terms “God”, “Happiness” and “Freedom”.
In 1685, Naaraayan Baabaa, the youngest son of Saint Tukaram and a man of innovative spirit decided to bring about a change in the Waari tradition by introducing the Paalkhi (palanquin), which is a sign of social respect. He put the silver paadukaas (footwear) of Saint Tukaram in the Palkhi and proceeded with his dindi to Aalandi where he put the paadukaas of Saint Dnyaaneshwar in the same Paalkhi. This tradition of twin Palkhis continued, but further, they formed two separate Palkhis - Tukaram Palkhi from Dehu and the Dnyaneshwar Palkhi from Aalandi.
Still, both the Paalkhis meet in Pune for a brief halt and then walk together to PandharPur.
Along with times, the popularity of this ancient tradition soared. And a total of over 40 Palkhis, including Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram, visit Pandharpur every year. Every year nearly 300 registered Dindis (it’s more if one counts the unregistered Dindis) and nearly Three lakh devotees march along the route to Pandharpur.
Moreover, there are Dindees from other states like Karnaatak, Andhra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh and Gujrath etc.
Many join from western countries like UK, France, Germany and USA. They all surely get amazed looking at huge mass of people immersed in devotion towards Lord Vittal and walking hundreds of kilometers in utter discipline. They have shared their experiences of enjoining this universal spirit of this tradition. |
Dehu-Aalandi-Pandharpur Payi Yatra
June 13, 2014 - Ethics - Tagged: Ashdhi Ekadashi, Dehu Aalandi Payi Wari, God, Pandharpur Payi Yatra, Payee waari, Payiwari, Payiyatra, Ringan, Vithal, Vithala, Vithoba, Waari 2014, Warkari -
In Maharashtra the Pandhrapur Payee wari yatra attracts numerous farmers and common people from every part of the community. This Yatra an Alandi-Pandharpur Payee Wari is a Asia’s largest pilgrimage procession in which Thousands of people not only from Maharashtra but allover India will get involved enthusiastically. This procession is supposed to be initiated about Eight Centuries back. Almost 160 Palkhies will be the part of this procession from all over the country from North and South.
Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj and Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi Procession happens in the Hindu month of Aashad (June& July) every year Chanting with II “Jai Hari Vitthala” and “Gyanoba Mauli Tukaram” II
Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi starts from Alandi
and Sant Tukram Maharaj Palkhi starts from DehuVillage.
On the Ekadashi Day of Hindu Ashadh month these Palkhi reaches their destination Pandharpur. ‘Ashadhi Ekadashi’ the most important Hindu festival celebrated on a large scale both in North and South India in the Hindu month of Ashadh Shukla Paksha.
This Eleventh day (bright moon) of the Hindu month of Ashadh is known as Maha Ekadashi or ‘Devayani Ekadashi’ because , it is believed that, on this day Lord Vishnu, will go in to sleep and will only awaken from deep slumber after four months on Prabodhini Ekadashi in the Hindu month of Kartik. These four months period from “Ashadhi to Kartika” is known as known as‘Chaturmasa’.
This procession consists beautifully decorated Palkhi having the “Padukas” of the lord and the Palkhi procession consists of people collectively walking, singing and dancing the glory of the God Vithoba in what are called as ‘Dindis’. This custom of taking out a holy procession is said to have started in 1810.
This year the palkhi procession will be start on 19th of June and reaches Pandharpur on 12 th July.
Route of Paayi Yatra
Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi
Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi Yatra starts from Alandi . Halts of Paayi Yatra are fixed one, These are Pune, Saswad, Jejuri, Walha, Lonad, Phaltan, Barad, Natepute, Malshiras, Taradgaon, Bhandi-Shegaon, Velapur, Varkhari ( Here in Vakhari the Palkhis of Sant Dyaneshwar Maharaj and Sant Tukaram Maharaj meet ), and Pandharpur. The Yatra goes as per their schedule, some variations may takes place that allow days of rest in route. Many NGO’s and common people work for Comforts to the Varkaris.
Sant Tukarm Maharaj Palkhi
Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi starts from Dehu Village and reaches Pandharpur. The procession route is Akurdi, Pune, Lonikalbhor,Yavat, Varvand, Baramati, Indapur, Akluj, Wakhri and Pandharapur. People from all community irrespective of Social or Economic background involves them selves in the Ocean of Warkaries to worship with devotion. They have equal Identity in the eyes of Lord Vithoba.
Simply have a look on the Names of Our Saints, you find they are from all different communities and Caste ……………………….. Sant Dnyneshwar (Brahimin) Sant Namdav (Shimpi) Sant Sawata mali ( Flower vendor) Gora Kumbhar (Potter) Sant Chokhoba, Banka Maharaj, Nahari Maharaj (Gold Smith) Tukaram Maharaj (Grocer) Sant Sena Navhi (Barber) and even females also — Like Sant Janabai, Sant Muktabai, Sant Kanhopatra, Sant Bahinabai and so on ………….
Palkhi Procession Schudule
The pilgrims are known as ‘Warkaris’ and they walk in groups, that group is called as ‘Dindi’. The Journey from Dehu and Alandi to Pandharpur is called as ‘Wari’.
On their way to Pandharpur, the Warkari playes musical instruments like Veena, Mridunga, Dholkis and Chipli. Warkari also plays the traditional folk dance “Fugdi” with their contagious zeal and energy. Holding the saffron colored trishaped ‘patakas’ (Flags) in hands and Tulsi plants on their heads the Warkari proceeds in the Procession of Wari.
The Warkari walk bare foots near-about 450 kilometers during this procession from Dehu Aalandi to Pandharpur to worship the Lord Vitthoba. The time table of Palkhi is well defined and to be followed strictly by each one. Early morning after taking Darshan of Padukas procession takes off Exactly at Six O’clock. A Tutari (one type of Instrument ) Blown three times
First : To Get ready to Leave.
Second : To Get ready to Dindis to Stand in Que for Procession.
Third : The Procession Starts
After 4-5 KM walking the procession stops for Break fast. Then later on the procession stops for Lunch. Here first offering for God Vithoba is made. Another stop for Tea around 4-4.30 pm and exactly at Sunset the procession Stops for Camp or Night rest.
At last Waari reaches Pandhrapur chating with || राम कृष्ण हरी || जय जय राम कृष्ण हरी || राम कृष्ण हरी जय जय राम कृष्ण हरी || on Wednesday 12 July 2014, Ashdhi Ekadshi. The Waarkarie worships God Vithoba Mauli, Vithala, with great happiness and a Joyful tears in their eyes, with a request to their Loving God Vithoba to fulfill their wishes and give Salvation from their Sines which may be happened knowingly or unknowingly and Empower them to face the Truths in Life in upcoming Years.
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Jul 19, 2013 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Ashadhi Ekadashi 2013 celebrated all over Maharashtra Temple with lots of ... Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi ...
Jul 9, 2013 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi Ringan Ceremony at Belvadi... The first ... wari or ekadashi pandharpur wari ...
Aug 2, 2013 - Uploaded by nitin umare
Pune with Tukaram Maharaj (Dehu Road) and Dnyaneshwar Mauli ... Pandharpur on occassion of Ashadhi ...
Jul 8, 2014 - Uploaded by NKN SVERI Pandharpur
In 2014, Pandarpur Yatra date on Ashadi Ekadasi on July 9, 2014. In 2014, the date of commencement of ...
Jul 19, 2013 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Ashadhi Ekadashi 2013 celebrated all over Maharashtra Temple with lots of ... Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi ...
Pandharpur LIVE Ashadhi Ekadashi Celebration with Warkaris,2014-TV9. by Tv9 Marathi. 8:12 .... Pandharpur Yatra 2014: Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi Dhava-TV9.
Jun 26, 2011 - Uploaded by Ashish Annachhatre
The palkhi scheduled to reach Pandharpur on 11-July-2011 onAshadhi Ekadashi. - Tukaram Maharaj ki Jai ...
Jul 9, 2014 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Ashadhi Ekadashi 2014: Aerial filming capturing various aspects of ... LIVE Dnyaneshwar Maharaj Palkhi ...
Jun 22, 2014 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Pandharpur Wari 2014: The Pune police have made extensive security arrangements for the Sant ...
Jun 26, 2012 - Uploaded by Bhaskar Hande
Tukaram Maharaj Ashadhi Palkhisohala Samaj Aarati.VARI ... Jay Hari Maharaj . ... Sant Tukaram ...
Jul 9, 2013 - Uploaded by Tv9 Marathi
Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi Ringan Ceremony at Belvadi... The first ... wari or ekadashi pandharpur wari ...
5 days ago - In 2015, Pandarpur Yatra date on Ashadi Ekadasi on July 27, 2015. In 2015, the date of commencement of Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi from Dehu ...
You visited this page on 9/7/15.
Jul 10, 2011 - The main Pandharpur Yatra starts from the Sant Tukaram Temple at Dehu. The warkaris or pilgrims follow the Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi ...
In 2015, Ashadi Ekadasi falls on July 27, 2015. A day before this ... This year, the date of commencement of Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi from Dehu is July 9, 2015.
You visited this page on 9/7/15.
Pandharpur Yatra (Pandhapur Palki Yatra or Pandharpur Ashadi Ekadasi Waari Yatra) is ... Jagad Guru Sri Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palakhi would leave Dehu for ...
Palkhi Yatra will end on 27th July 2014 at Pandharpur on Ashadi Ekadashi. Origins of this ... Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi 2015 Schedule: will update it soon.
Jun 13, 2014 - Sant Dnyaneshwar Maharaj and Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi ... 'Ashadhi Ekadashi' the most important Hindu festival celebrated on a large ...
Ashadhi ekadashi is also known by the following names - Maha Ekadashi(the great .... The waarkaris or pilgrims follow the Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi procession.
Jul 23, 2010 - Yatra takes place twice in a year one during Ashadhi Ekadasi (June ... The warkaris or pilgrims follow the Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi procession.